(Updated because these idiots are interchangeable)
Beto O'Rourke is delusional. He thinks he's going to be President someday when he grows up.
He's running on a simple platform: Gun confiscation. He calls it gun "buyback" because he doesn't understand economics and property rights. He also doesn't understand the Constitution.
You should definitely wear this shirt to his rallies to show him how you feel. Every penny from the sale of this shirt will go to support the Firearms Policy Coalition in their fight against unconstitutional firearms legislation and regulations.
The FPC is currently fighting the BATFE's unconstitutional bumpstock ban. Not only does this ban violate the 2nd Amendment-protected right to bear Arms, but it violates the 4th Amendment and 5th Amendment as well.
100% of the proceeds from the sale of this T-shirt will be donated to the FPC.
Go to https://www.firearmspolicy.org to learn more. Follow the FPC on Instagram @gunpolicy.
Next Level Premium Fitted T-Shirt